Frequently Asked Questions
Closegap is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that makes it simple for schools to support the emotional health of K-12 students. Through a fun, developmentally appropriate mental health check-in, students answer a series of questions related to their emotions, energy level, and physical needs.
This data is then organized and delivered to school staff through an easy-to-use dashboard so they can intervene in real time. Students learn key social-emotional skills, and are provided with a new, direct line to school staff to express their emotional needs. Check-in data enables school staff to identify students in need and provide targeted support on a class, grade, school, and district level
Yes, Closegap is really free! We believe mental health can no longer be a privilege. We want ALL students to have the opportunity to benefit from daily emotional support and powerful mental health resources. You can sign up as many educators, students, and schools as you’d like!
We now offer a premium version of our product which schools and districts can upgrade to and pay for. It’s called Closegap Insights. We’ve gone to great lengths to keep it reasonably priced. You are not expected or required to upgrade to this plan.
Yes, Closegap is a universal tool, built and designed with all students in mind. Some school staff may want to begin using Closegap with their high-need students. While we can appreciate this approach, the tool is built to surface needs that you don’t currently know about, so we recommend using the tool school-wide. This provides an additional space for students to express who aren’t comfortable sharing or who might be flying under the radar.
Yes! If your child’s teacher is already using Closegap, you can request access. If your child’s school is not yet using Closegap, please share the website and we’ll get them started! Learning how to identify and understand emotions at school is meaningful, and becomes even more meaningful when practiced at home.
We take student data privacy very seriously. Please check out our Trust and Safety Center for more information.
Yes! We have developmentally appropriate check-ins for grades PK-2, 3-5, and 6-12. Our PK-2 check-in has audio functionality for non-readers. Our 6-12 check-in has additional questions for older students. We're launching a separate check-in for 9-12 graders soon. Stay tuned!
Closegap works well in any school environment and is a great addition to schools who have adopted a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework. If you have more questions about how Closegap will fit into your current school approach and priorities, please schedule a demo with someone on our team!
You sure can! We recommend all schools get started on our free plan, so students can get comfortable with the check-in and school staff with their dashboard. If you want data on the class, grade, school, or district levels, then we recommend upgrading. If you're interested in upgrading, schedule a call here.

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