How Closegap Builds Trusted Adult Relationships and Supports Students in Emotion Regulation

This school year, Closegap has been at the forefront of enhancing student well-being, facilitating a remarkable 2 million check-ins. Each of these moments represents an opportunity for students to access vital care, connection, and support. The impact has been especially profound for quieter, compliant students who might otherwise go unnoticed. Nearly 80% of staff have reported identifying struggling students they hadn't previously recognized.

A recent survey of over 200 school staff members highlights the significant role Closegap plays in addressing serious issues. Twenty percent of respondents uncovered severe problems, including suicidal ideation, self-harm, sexual assault, and depression, thanks to Closegap. Incredibly, twelve staff members were able to prevent student suicides, with half of them averting multiple crises.

Yet, Closegap’s influence extends well beyond immediate crisis intervention. The platform assists educators in identifying and addressing underlying "upstream issues" before they escalate. According to the survey, 80% of staff reported discovering mild issues such as peer conflicts, bullying, and family troubles, while 73% identified moderate concerns like anxiety and stress. Follow-ups after check-ins have proven crucial in ensuring students feel seen, heard, and supported.

As one school counselor shared, “Never underestimate the value of knowing that someone is there for you if you need them to be. That's what Closegap helps my students understand—that they are just a check-in away from someone listening.”

Building strong, empathetic relationships is a core focus of Closegap. Research from the CDC underscores that students who feel close to school staff experience significantly lower rates of suicidality and poor mental health. With Closegap, 70% of educators report feeling more confident in their ability to support students, and 72% have strengthened their relationships with them. Data also shows that 40% of students who initially couldn’t name a trusted adult were able to do so after just one month of using Closegap.

In addition to fostering these crucial relationships, Closegap helps students develop essential social-emotional skills. Through regular check-ins, students learn to articulate their emotions and build self-regulation tools. This has led to significant improvements, particularly among the most vulnerable students. Over 80% of students reported a better understanding of their emotions, and 70% saw improvements in their ability to label and regulate their feelings after just one month with Closegap.

Closegap is transforming the way schools support their students, ensuring that every check-in is a step toward a more connected and emotionally resilient student body.


How School Counselors Use Check-Ins to Support Student Mental Health


How New Relic Helps Closegap Evolve their Technology Stack